Faster, Cheaper, Better

Small companies (< $10M revenues) don't have large executive teams or extra staff. We help them optimize their business strategy, maintain operations, and prepare for the sale of their business. The result is a higher valuation, a smoother transaction, and a faster close.

Time is of the essence

Typically, there is a very short window between the time a business owner decides to sell and when a buyer makes an offer. If you don't prepare in advance, there may be no time at all.

Cost efficiency

When time is short, high priced professionals end up doing all the work. Lawyers, accountants, and tax professional typically charge 10 times more to do the basic prep work.

Value based on quality

Buyers assume how you do anything is how you do everything. If you prepare in advance, you can increase the perceived value of your business and avoid delays.

Mission: making your business our passion

Roger Glovsky

Business Advisor & Deal Coach

As a former lawyer, Roger routinely handled transactions valued at $2-$20 million and served as corporate counsel to companies up to $100M+. He also helped founders exit their startups with multi-million-dollar buyouts.

From 2019-2021 Roger was COO & General Counsel of Analog Photonics, responsible operations, legal, and finance. And during 2020-23 he was a strategic advisor to the Proxet Group helping to develop, market and sell an AI-enhanced platform for matching, scoring and ranking candidates to jobs.

Early in his career, Roger served as a member of the executive management team for three Internet-related software companies. He was President and CEO of FCR Software, a profitable software development company licensing Internet protocol stacks on an OEM basis to top networking vendors and remote access solutions to enterprise customers.

During the dotcom era, Roger joined Delphi Forums (one of the top 100 websites on the Internet) acting as General Counsel and Director of Business Development. He streamlined the contracts process to address what was then the new Application Service Provider (ASP) market and successfully negotiated strategic relationships with other technology vendors as well as major media customers.

Roger has served on many Boards for entrepreneurial organizations and non-profits.

During 2012-15, he was a member of the Board (and head of the finance committee) at the Watershed School, an innovative educational program in Boulder, Colorado for grades 6-12. Roger also served on the Board of Advisors for the Entrepreneurship program at Simmons School of Management (2005-10). He was founder and organizer of the Business Lawyers Network (2003-2013).

Roger was the first Board Chair of Women Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology (WEST), an organization whose mission is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit among women in the scientific and engineering communities. Roger helped to articulate WEST’s vision, architect its strategy for growth, and recruit the board of directors.

He also served as a member of the Executive Board of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Venture Forum from 1992-1996, being elected Vice Chairman of the Forum in 1995.

Carolyn Miller

Carolyn Miller

Award-winning writer

"I was just about to do what many creative entrepreneurs do—jump into a partnership without thinking it through—when I decided to experience Roger’s strategy session. It made me re-think the partnership and, ultimately, hold off on it. The two hours we spent together saved me, in the long run, many more, not to mention energy and mindshare, going in the wrong direction.

The strategy session was fun and Roger’s enthusiasm was palpable. Perhaps the most challenging for me was to explain the work I do, something that had always left me tongue-tied. With Roger’s facilitation, I was able to explain it and look objectively at it.

Perhaps the greatest takeaway from the session with Roger was a look at the potential pros and cons of the pending partnership, thanks to a tool he had, the Expectation Matrix. It allowed me to put down on paper the pros and cons of the relationship—what he calls the “give” and “get”—before entering the arrangement and see it objectively. Thanks to that process, it became evident that the partnership as I had envisioned it would have to be revised if it was to work for me."

Stuart Small

Stuart Small


"I came to Roger for advice on exiting a start up I was involved with. Not only did he help navigate the legal situation, but he had invaluable advice in negotiating favorable terms. I could tell he had done this before and he had a lot of great ideas of how to approach the situation. Whenever I had a question or a series of emails for him to look over, he was always responsive and had detailed, insightful replies. I don’t think the process would have ended anywhere near as well for me if I had someone else helping me. The fact that he is a mix of legal expertise and business acumen is what saved the day. I couldn’t recommend him more."

Zemirah Jazwierska

Zemirah Jazwierska

Flow of Genius

"My work with Roger, during the Gold Mine Legal Strategy Session, brought me clarity and insight to the services my business will provide. This process is valuable at any stage of business development as it works to focus, clarify and streamline your process so that you walk away with the very next steps to make your business take flight. Roger helped me to see the hidden gold in my creations and to put it into a manageable timeline for immediate application and execution. Roger has a gift for analysis and synthesis and shares these skills in a thoughtful and personal manner. He can get to the heart of any question and lead you to your own best answer. He has supported me in a grounded and empowered way, which has allowed me to build a powerful bridge to manifesting my visions and dreams."

iLona Major

we2change L.L.C.

Starting a new business quickly becomes a complex mixture of vision, goals and intent culminating into a massive to-do list. I brought my vision and to-do list into a legal strategy session. Roger applied his seasoned experience towards unraveling my vision into a tangible business model and random to-do list into focused action items. Simply, I walked into the session with “What I wanted to do” and walked out with “How to do it” peppered with a smile of gratitude. Although the road ahead is where the hard work begins, Roger armed me with a compass. THANKS Roger!

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Capital Gains Consulting
PO Box 413, Niwot CO 80544
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+1 720-772-8330
Mon - Fri, 8-4pm Mountain Time

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